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Vienības kastē: 1
Svārs (Kg):0
Produkta kods:EKC001K


Apraksts Start your day with aromatic, fresh coffee ground just before brewing. Thanks to our coffee grinder you will do it quickly and easily, and the thickness of the ground beans can match your taste. Created specifically for coffee lovers, to whom coffee is not just a drink but the way for the wonderful start of the morning. Equipped with two-winged stainless steel knife and robust performance with the highest quality materials allow for long-term usage. Grinder will also work as an excellent helper in the kitchen grinding spices such as pepper and seeds. Its modern, ergonomic design and small size will fit into any kitchen. Stainless steel blades Acceleration Function Power: 120-160W Power Input: 230V Frequency: 50Hz Capacity: 50g Height: ok. 18cm Diameter: ok. 8,5cm Cord Lenghth: 10cm

Par mums

SIA Anda L ir vairumtirdzniecības uzņēmums, kas darbojas Latvijā kopš 1994. gada un kopš 2008. gada Lietuvā un Igaunijā.
Mūsu piedāvāto produktu klāsts ir ļoti plašs, sākot no baterijām līdz pat vadošo tehnoloģiju elektroniskajām ierīcēm. Mēs orientējamies tikai uz kvalitātes preču tirdzniecību, lai nodrošinātu mūsu klientu apmierinātību un vienmērīgu darījumu plūsmu mūsu biznesa partneriem.